What makes The MSing Link unique/different?
And what types of improvements can you expect?

Testimonials From our MSing Link Members


"Improvements I've noticed within my first few months as a MSing Link member: I can walk without a cane when the weather has no humidity. I can hold better balance. I have better self esteem because I feel MS isn't in control as often!"

- The MSing Link Member


"This might sound crazy, but I feel like I'm seeing improvements already, even on my 2nd day doing my MSing Link exercises (I signed up 3 days ago). This program is the best I have seen. I'm hopeful and excited about this journey. I'm learning a lot already!"

- The MSing Link Member


"The MSing Link has given me so much knowledge and understanding to how exercise works, and how to move with intention, learning about neuroplasticity and having a better understanding!"

- The MSing Link Member


"Dr. Gretchen's invaluable posts and live interviews reflect her strong drive, moral support and ongoing concern towards MS patients worldwide."

- The MSing Link Member


"Gretchen Hawley is an EXCEPTIONAL physical therapist for people with MS.  Figuring out how to move better—or at all—is my number one challenge, and no one has come close to offering more practical and helpful suggestions than Gretchen.  Gretchen really understands how MS affects movement and how to combat its effects with extremely doable exercises.  Gretchen has come to our house monthly for about 6 months now and has added a ton of value with every visit.  Her visits also are incredibly efficient and tailored to our needs.  We open the door, visit a bit, and then get started, working at a pace that suits us for as long as suits us.  Finding Gretchen really was like finding the needle in the haystack.  Thank you, Gretchen!!!"

- Home Visit Client